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by Jeff Shaara, 2004

To The Last Man deals with one of the most tragic events in world history: the First World War. Focusing first on key characters from the British, French and German points of view, the story moves past the years of stalemate and extraordinary horror to the final two years of the war. As the Allies face the Germans across the desolate no-man’s land of the Western Front, neither the British nor the French can seem to hold back the awful tide of attrition that threatens to insure a German victory.

In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany, bringing America’s professed neutrality to an end, and the balance of power swings in the Allies’ favor. With the energy, resources and enthusiasm of the American army poured into the last great struggles of the war, their sacrifice and extraordinary heroism finally bring one of mankind’s most horrific chapters to a conclusion.

As with Jeff’s earlier books, this story is told from the points of view of a number of key characters, some well-known, some unknown, from the generals to the doughboys, from the flying aces to the politicians. But all combine to tell this amazing story that is too often overlooked in the tragedies of the 20th Century.